b'CARE FOR VETERANSIMPACT REPORT 2021Ray was born in Tottenham, London, in 1949. He joinedRay is very sociable, and his family are regular visitors. the Royal Navy in 1966 when he was just 17 years old andRays condition means that he sometimes has episodes served in ships including HMS Ganges, HMS Eagle, HMSof neuro pain in his fingers and feet, but despite the Excellent, HMS Ark Royal, HMS Blake, HMS Mohawk, HMSlimitations of lockdown, Ray has been able to maintain Mauritius and HMS Vernon, finishing his naval career ashis current level of physical ability. He has been able to Chief Petty Officer. The opportunity for travel attracted Rayjoin in group activities, even taking part in daily wheelchair to the Navy, It was obviously very hard being away fromexercising sessions to music. These exercises are led by a the family, but I got to see the world, Ray said. Ray enjoyedphysiotherapist and veterans form a large circle, taking it in his time in the Navy immensely and his family have jokedturn to lead with their favorite move.that he would still be there now if he could! During his timeRay is a constant inspiration, says Andy Blyth, Head of at sea Ray developed a reputation for being adventurous;Clinical Services at Care for Veterans.a friend of Ray who served on HMS Mauritius with him described Ray as a daredevil - the bravest man Ive ever metHe might have limited speech, but the twinkle in his eyes in the Navy. communicates so much. Rays life journey is incredibly challenging, but daredevil Ray still has a zest for life. Its an immense privilege to have this Navy veteran in the Care Ray is a constantfor Veterans family. As a facility, we are uniquely placed to provide a wide spectrum of nursing care and rehabilitation. inspirationRay has complex medical needs, but like all our veterans,he has his own Personal Care Plan with agreed therapy goals. Its all about helping Ray live the best life he can possibly live. Rays loving family remain deeply involved in Ray was a Gunnery Instructor and Deep-Sea Diver and it washis care and rehabilitation, but they also benefit from the a diving accident that changed Rays life forever. Trappedhelp and support thats available from our multidisciplinary underwater, Ray had spent six minutes with limited oxygentherapy team.PARTNERSHIP WORKING LEAVESby the time rescuers reached him. The lack of oxygenA life in care can place a huge strain on family life, but as caused a devastating brain injury and left Ray with minimalRays daughter, Jacqueline says: The nurses are really VETERANS IN SAFE HANDS movement in his limbs. The damage has left him unablegood, a lovely bunch. We couldnt be without Care for to walk and with severe speech issues. Ray arrived at CareVeterans. Dads in such safe hands here so we dont havefor Veterans in 2016 and his family knew it was the perfectto worry. Having the opportunity to sit in front of the fire and talk openly about myplace for him as his daughter, Jacqueline, explains: "It is so curr RNds the end of 2019 a new online platform launched to help familiesimportant for Dad to live with other veterans. He loves being TTowar RMesses and physical difficulties makhe ent str C have worked closely with Care Foes me awarr Veterans fe that my situation is or several years to provide quality care of ser ulnerable. In 2ted b021 ty a 25,000 grant frhe RNRMC providedoma grant of over 60,000around people who have had similar experiences to him." not unique and ther nitys most vyment, supporto theving personnel find emplo naval commue is light at the end of the tunnel.the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC).to ensure that veterans, like Ray, are well looked after. If you would like to find out more about Care for Veterans or how to access their support, please visit www.careforveterans.org.uk, or call 01903 213458.50 51'