b'WELCOME FROM CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE IMPAIMPCT REPORACT REPORT 2018-19T 2021HELPING TO ALLEVIATE THE CONSEQUENCES OF SERVICE AND HONOURING THAT SERVICE TO THE NATIONMuch of what we have done to support our beneficiaries intimes of heightened tension, at home and abroad, is all theEqually, and partly with Greenwich Hospital, we continue toWe are aware that for some the system to access support 2021 is outlined in this report. This introduction, on the othermore difficult particularly as the modern and instant ability toprovide and/or supplement funding to some of the Navalcan be confusing. We are working hard with others to help hand, focuses on what we think the future might hold and howcommunicate with our loved ones which we all take for grantedBenevolent charitiesRoyal Naval Benevolent Trust, Navalsimplify access to all that the sector has to offer, particularly we are working to face a set of new challenges as the worldis understandably the first casualty of naval operations inChildrens Charity, RMAThe Royal Marines Charity, Royalin providing information and advice. We would also urge changes so rapidly around us. periods of heightened tension. Navy Officers Charity, Special Boat Service Associationyou all not to wait until a crisis has occurred if you can When writing the introduction to our 2020 Impact ReportWe are committed to providing support to help strengthen to enable them to undertake the vital work that ourbut to seek advice, information and support before a need this time last year, there were tangible glimmers of hope onfamilies and we work with a network of providers includingbeneficiaries need so much. And we continue to work withbecomes critical.the horizon. Yes, 2020 had been a very difficult year and weRelate, Home Start, Kings Foundation, Kids, Naval Familiescare organisations to help promote independence and knew we werent out of the woods yet, but the vaccinationFederation, Aggies, and others to provide support servicesprotect the dignity of some of our older beneficiaries. programme was being rolled out with vigour and many not just in base port areas but more broadly across the UnitedBut this is not the full extent of our work. We also offeraspects of life appeared more recognisable. Kingdom. To this end, we are working closely with Navymid- and back-office services (finance, HR, etc), as a Roll forward to nowApril 2022and we find ourselves inCommand to identify where families live acknowledging thatcharitable good, to several other naval charities to reap the a very different place. A brutal, unremitting, and unexpectedtoday many families do not live close to base port areas. economies of scale that allows them to focus their funds(by many of us) war in Europe with very likely far-reachingWe are also working hard to ensure that those who have toon those who matter.consequences that have yet to be understood; inflation on aleave the service unexpectedly and abruptly, Early ServiceAltogether this is over 8M of charitable funding and activity. scale not witnessed by anyone in this society under the ageLeavers, are given adequate support and stability to allow themSome of this comes from income and donations as well as of 45; the prospect of increased economic squeeze due toto make a fresh and positive start in civilian life. Without suchgrants received from other organisations. But we continue shortages of key commodities, supply chain constrictions andhelp, it is our firm belief that many of these people can findto draw down on our reserves to meet present needs as the international rivalries of truly frightening proportions. post-service life overwhelming. Board strives to balance the needs of todays beneficiaries Most immediately, this nations defence and its Armed ForcesBut our support is not just focused on the serving. We arewith those that we will need to support in the future.now occupy a far more significant place in the governmentsacutely aware that many working-age and retired veterans willIn conclusion, this charity continues to adapt and react to priorities and planning and will very probably continue to do soalso find life a great deal harder and probably more demandingthe huge levels of change happening about it so that we can for a very long time. This will not be without consequence forthan the last two years and we pledge our support here as well. offer the support and services the naval familythe people those who serve and their families who will likely witness evenMuch of the work we do for veterans is with and throughof the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, and Royal Fleet Auxiliary, greater strains and stresses. the full range of established naval charities. We are activelypast and present and their immediate familiesneed andDr Brian Gilvary, Chairman Adrian Bell, Chief ExecutiveThis charity is already very active in the support of Royalsupporting the Royal Naval Association, the Royal Marinesdeserve. We dont and cannot do this in isolation and we Navy, Royal Marines, and Royal Fleet Auxiliary personnel, andAssociation and the Associations within the Submarine Familybelieve the key to success in our endeavours is a naval their families, and will make even greater efforts to do all itto grow their membership to reinforce networks of befriendingcharity sector that collaborates and cooperates seamlessly can to help ameliorate some of the more difficult challengesand supportso vital to combatting the loneliness andfor the benefit of all. service to the nation entails. Naval personnel are liable to farisolation that plague too many lives. We are offering that same greater periods of separation than those serving elsewheresupport to any other naval associations in pursuit of thein defence. Separation is already difficult; separation amidstsame goals. 12 13'