b'RELATE COUNSELLING SUPPORT IMPACT REPORT 2021When a partner is deployed, those at home shift theira while. Common to all clients is the supportive, confidential roles and responsibilities to cover for the person whosand caring environment in which they are able to talk freely absent. When they return, then the family must shift rolesabout their problems and think about ways to address Commander Pete Reed and his wifeagain.Some families can handle this with skill. Othersthem. Relate provision includes relationship and family Jeannie,who took advantage of theneed professional help and support to help them navigatecounselling, sex therapy, anger management, mentalthe unique pressures that time apart, deployment andhealth issues and depression and support following loss RNRMCs Relate Counselling Servicereintegration can bring to the surface. and bereavement. after he suffered a life-changingIn 2021, the uptake by serving and veteran members of theAidan Jones, Chief Executive at Relate said at the time: spinal stroke Royal Navy and their families of professional counsellingIts excellent news that the Royal Navy and Royal Marines services from Relate, funded by the Royal Navy and RoyalCharity has extended funding for Relate to provide Marines Charity reached a five-year high. This equated tofurther relationship support to Naval personnel in 2021. a 30% upsurge in demand for Relate Counselling servicesRelationships have been challenged in so many ways than was anticipated at the start of the year with a total ofin recent times and were seeing this every day in our 563 extra sessions provided. In total, some 1,860 individualcounselling and other services. This money will enablecounselling sessions were delivered to clients spreadus to reach even more people in the Naval communityacross 218 UK postcodes.as part of our continued It is difficult to accurately predict the reasons for thispartnership with RNRMC. increase, but it is most likely to be a combination of factors,Everyone has times when talkingmany of which are likely to continue in the near future.to someone is of helpNaval families were separated for longer than usual in 2021,The RNRMC-funded Relate counselling service is free, with many deployments having to quarantine alongsidetotally confidential and non-judgemental.for protracted periods. For those remaining at home, domestic life became especially strained with restrictionsYour counsellor can help you explore your feelings, on social gatherings and freedom of movement as wellacknowledge them and accept them, as well as supporting as a requirement to provide home schooling. The risingyou to find your own ways to cope with what your going cost of living, job security, energy price hikes and generalthrough. Take the first step by calling our dedicated RNRMC economic uncertainty were brought sharply into focus. Of ENSURING THAT HELP IS NEVERcourse, the services provided by Relate are not intendedRelate hotline: 01302 380 279 or use the Live Chat button www.relate.org.uk/royal-navy-and-royal-marines to be used exclusively by those in a long-term relationship FAR AWAY and the relationship status of clients availing themselvesCounselling sessions are offered either face-to-face, by to professional counselling varies from case to case. Thesetelephone, Webcam or Live Chat, whichever suits you best, may be individuals who are recently separated or divorced,even if you are deployed overseas.HaArmed Forcestunity to sit in frIt is a lifestyle which can have a significantwidowed, bringing up a family alone or have been single for Theving the opporhas its own unont of the firique culture.e and talk openly about my curr ence oesses and physical difficulties makinfluent str n personal and marital relationshipes me awars, family dyne that my situation is amics and parenting behavior.The not unique and ther d unpredictability that can be a feature of military service can easily spill over loneliness, stress ane is light at the end of the tunnel.into couple and family relationships, and particularly relationships with children. Scan here with your Smart Phone to hear fromScan here with your Smart Phone to hear further Commander Peter Reed OBE speak about thedetails of the RNRMC Relate counselling services value of Relate counselling in helping him tofrom a trained Relate counsellor.readjust to life-changing circumstances.34 35'