Abseilers Take on the Heights of the Spinnaker Tower Fundraising for RNRMC


On 6 July, fifteen brave souls took on the RNRMC’s Spinnaker Tower Abseil raising money for RNRMC, the Royal Navy's principal charity.

At over 100m tall, abseiling down the side of Portsmouth’s iconic landmark is not for the faint-hearted - especially as the windy conditions presented an extra, unexpected challenge! We’re so proud of how each of our fundraisers braved their fears and experienced the thrill of life on the edge!

Read on to find out why our abseilers chose to support RNRMC and click on their names if you'd like to sponsor their brilliant efforts :



Steve Akers served in the Royal Navy and wanted to support RNRMC as it is the chosen charity of the Type 42 Association.





Ellie Coleman works for the admin team at reservist unit HMS King Alfred, so she wanted to support the charity which, in turn, supports reservists.





Josh Fried is a reservist and wanted to support the 'fantastic work' the charity does for those in the Royal Navy and their families.





Dan Johns-Lawrence's father-in-law served for over 20 years in the Royal Navy so he wanted to abseil and show his support.





Michelle Kipling is currently serving, as is her partner, so as beneficiaries, she wanted to support RNRMC - the navy's principal charity.





Daniel Long wanted to fundraise for RNRMC because the charity is there for the people who keep us all safe!





Gavin Lumsden is a reservist and wanted to thank RNRMC for our work supporting serving personnel and veterans. 





Simon Lyth was in the Royal Navy for 26 years and now works with the reserves at HMS King Alfred. He wanted support this 'fantastic charity' which he has seen in use over his many years of service.



Lisa McGuinness's father serving in the Royal Navy and now her son has also joined up.  She also works at HMS Collingwood and knows the RNRMC's work very well.




Chris Murphy served for 34 years and wanted to fundraise for the navy's charity.





Jordan Probert has been supported by RNRMC via Aggies Community Waves project.  She attends baby groups with her 5-month old, which has been a great way for her to make new friends while her husband is deployed.




Natalie Pullen is a reservist and her partner is a Royal Marine, so they are both beneficiaries of the charity should they need it.





Gail Quilter has served for 16 years between the regulars and reservists and knows first-hand of the fantastic work of the charity!





Ian Robinson served in the Royal Navy himself and now has three sons serving in the Armed Forces.  He is also an RNRMC fundraiser in his home town and does a huge amount for the charity.




Chi Tang is a reservist at HMS King Alfred and wanted to support RNRMC due to the 'fantastic work' the charity does for serving personnel and families. 



 If you’d like to challenge yourself AND raise money for a great cause, keep an eye on our social media channels for more abseil dates coming soon!
