Pickle Night – Honouring HMS Pickle

Families, Event, Serving Personnel

With funding from the Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC), Theater Undersea Warfare Center Atlantic (TUSC LANT) hosted a Pickle Night to remember. 

TUSC LANT is a joint British and American command, based in Virginia, USA - operating continuously 24/7. British and American navy personnel shared a formal dinner which featured costumes, re-enactments, decorations and materials which brought the atmosphere of the Battle of Trafalgar and HMS Pickle’s role to life.


Pickle Night


Pickle Night commemorates the Royal Navy’s victory at the Battle of Trafalgar on October 21, 1805. It specifically honours the role of HMS Pickle, a small schooner that brought the news of Admiral Lord Nelson's death and the British triumph back to England. 


“What a fantastic evening and successful event it was. The feedback from the command has been overwhelmingly positive both from UK personnel and US alike. Without the RNRMC’s support the event wouldn't have been able to proceed.” 

LH Calum Board-Lynch, TUSC LANT 

A defining feature of Pickle Night is the ceremonial toast to Admiral Lord Nelson, a gesture that holds profound meaning for all in attendance. This toast honours Nelson’s remarkable leadership and commemorates the historic impact of the Battle of Trafalgar. As guests lift their glasses in his memory, they pay homage to his role in shaping naval history and celebrate the enduring legacy he left within maritime tradition. This act of reverence strengthens the evening's connection to history, bringing guests together in mutual admiration for one of the Royal Navy’s most legendary figures.


Enhancing this sense of tradition, the decor and table settings at Pickle Night are often stepped in naval themes and historical detail.

Here's to Pickle Night! A cherished tradition that keeps bringing together naval enthusiasts and history buffs from all corners of the world. 


Pickle Night


Pickle Night