I have been working in London since 2001, which is now nearly twice as long as I originally served as warfare office and ultimately as Commanding Officer, HMS BRECON. Fundamental to success in my second career has been that I was ‘made in the Royal Navy’.
For a number of years after leaving, I subconsciously sought to distance myself from the Service. Not that odd in itself and similar to starting a new appointment or being drafted, I got my head down and focused on building the next stage of my career. Over time though, my network with similar RN leavers started to grow; kindred spirits, with so many shared experiences. The network spreads across businesses and industries, connected by a strong bond.
Pride in the Royal Navy and to have served is a significant reason as to why I support the RNRMC and became a member of Nelson’s Company. My commitment to the charity is broad and as importantly as financial support is a closely aligned belief that we who have served are so well placed to increase advocacy for the Royal Navy across business and the UK more widely. ‘Sea blindness’ and the lack of understanding of Royal Navy’s modern day contribution and importance to the security, prosperity, development and innovation of a future looking UK is all too apparent and with a networked, collective engagement, it is something we can influence through support of the Charity.
By growing the membership of Nelson’s Company, we seek to develop a networked strength and influence towards the Charity’s aims of increasing the welfare and support of those serving. The ethos of being all of one company is visceral and resonates strongly still for so many of us who are now outside of the Service. By capturing that ethos and along with it, providing a well structured programme of charitable support, with tangible, well communicated results then we have both a capability to help with near term needs, as well building a robust long term funded, expanding level of membership, with increasing understanding of and a closer relationship with the Royal Navy.