RNRMC Pass The Baton virtual relay

Pass The Baton

Various locations
Easy - Moderate

RNRMC Friends and Supporters Virtual Relay

In partnership with the Royal Navy and founders of ‘Pass the Baton,' the RNRMC are hosting virtual relays during lockdown. The aim is to bring our wider Naval community together and help raise morale during a difficult year. 

About The Challenge

Every week a global community of people come together in a 12 hour virtual relay. Every participant completes 30 minutes of activity and the 'baton' passes between members.

People have run, walked, swam, rowed, lifted weights and even rode a horse. The 'baton' is then passed to the next participant via a dedicated and closed WhatsApp group.  

This is not a race! It’s a relay for all ages and abilities to connect, move and raise money for charity.   

“The fantastic thing about ‘Pass The Baton’ is the connection and sense of community it brings. During this period of lockdown and being isolated from my team members it was a great ‘pick me up’ and I personally found it nice to be part of a team effort and challenge for the day. “  

Dawn Ingram, participated in Remembrance ‘Pass The Baton’   


  • Wednesday 25th November, 07:00 – 19:00  

  • Wednesday 2nd December, 07:00 – 19:00 

How to Take Part  

  1. Register on the Pass the Baton website.

  2. Go to the members page and select either of the two RNRMC Friends and Supporters race.

  3.  Select your preferred 30-minute timeslot.

  4. If you wish to make a small donation or share amongst family and friends, go on to our ‘Pass the Baton’ JustGiving page.

  5. You will not receive entry into the challenge until all places are full. This can be as late as the night before so please do not worry.

  6.  Event Day - You will be entered into a closed WhatsApp group with your other team members. Here you will be reminded of your time slot and who will be passing the baton onto you and who you will also need to virtually pass the 'baton' on to. 

  7. 'PASSING THE BATON' – All this requires you to do is thank the individual you’ve just received the ‘virtual baton' from and introduce yourself and what activity you intend to do. After you have finished, you then do a shout out to the next participant. This can either be done with a photo and message or a video message.  

  8. THE BATON – There is no physical baton. This is a virtual handover, but we encourage you to have some fun and get creative with your handovers! 

  9. End of the Event – The group admin will create a video montage of the event which you can keep for a momentum.

*By signing up to this event, your contact number will be shared amongst your team for WhatsApp but is not stored or used by the RNRMC, organisers or any third-parties. 

Price / Availability

This event is free to take part in. If you wish to make a complimentary donation to the RNRMC, visit our JustGiving page.

We have 96 places available over the next two weeks for our supporters.


Anywhere you wish to take part in your activity. You can do this challenge from the comfort of your home or outdoors in the fresh air. 

*Please ensure you follow the latest government guidelines around COVID and social distancing. 

Location: Virtual

Easy - Moderate

Any activity of your choice over your 30 minute time-slot.