Unforgettable Dinner to mark the 125th Anniversary of the end of The Siege of Ladysmith

Beneficiary, Grants, Sports

What an incredible evening onboard HMS Warrior! With the support of RNRMC funding, people gathered to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the end of the Siege of Ladysmith, the event that gave birth to the iconic Royal Navy Field Gun Competition.

A total of 240 current and former field gunners, alongside those who have supported the competition over the years, came together for a night of fellowship, shared memories, and history. The evening was a truly special moment in the tradition of the Field Gun community.


“Without the support of RNRMC and other sponsors - Field Gun would not be in the strong position it is now. The historic field guns have been used for the last 118 years and the dinner celebrated those from Command and RNRMC Field Gun. The competition has evolved during this time, and we celebrate with our RAF and Army Crews, going from strength to strength with their involvement.”

Lt Cdr Gary Nicolson MBE MCGI RN, member of the Field Gun Committee and RNRMC Ambassador


As a keepsake of this historic event, each guest received a velvet bag with 3 specially designed spoofing coins, representing key milestones in the field gun legacy: 


  • Command Field Gun Coin - Celebrating the unity of all four Command Crews. 
  • RNRMC Field Gun Coin - Honouring the contributions of Brickwoods, RNRMC, and Junior Leaders Field Gun. 
  • Ladysmith Dinner Coin - Commemorating the origins of this iconic event with the HMS Powerful and Terrible Crests. 


RNRMC is proud to be a valuable part of bringing together every level of the Field Gun community to showcase 125 years of tradition, teamwork, and pride.


Here's to many more years of Field Gun spirit.