Edinburgh Marathon Runners

Edinburgh Marathon Festival

27 - 28 May 2023
Moderate - Tough

The Edinburgh Marathon is Scotland’s most popular marathon.

It began in 2003 and has continually grown in popularity and stature, having just received a 97% satisfaction rating in a recent Runner’s World poll. In numbers, the Edinburgh Marathon is second only to the London Marathon in the UK, with over 16,000 runners taking part. There is also the option of entering relay teams of 4 runners, each running 6.5 miles.

Click here for full information about the Edinburgh Marathon Festival.


How to Take Part  

Joining options:

1. Mixed Funding – pay half of the event place cost yourself, fundraise a bit less and we pay the balance of the event place cost.  

2. Self Fund –  you pay the full cost of the event place - fundraise whatever you want, with no set target or deadline with no cost to the charity. 

Half marathon: £25 registration fee, £300 min target

Marathon: £35 registration fee, £450 min target

10k: £15 registration fee, £150 min target

To secure your place, please email fundraising@rnrmc.org.uk.

Price / Availability

Half marathon: £25 registration fee, £300 min target

Marathon: £35 registration fee, £450 min target

10k: £15 registration fee, £150 min target



Moderate - Tough

Half marathon, marathon and 10k distances available.